Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Use of Magia de Uco's Website

In this section you will find the Terms and Conditions applicable to the access and use of the website www.magiadeuco.com, owned by Neubell S.A.

“Magia de Uco”, as well as “Intertwine” and “Francesca Tucci”, are registered trademarks owned by Neubell S.A. Likewise, the logos, designs, commercial names of the products, advertising phrases, commercial advertisements or notices, texts, and other contents of the website are property of Neubell S.A. and no rights over them are transferred to the "users" by accessing or using this website.

Preliminary Warnings:

Any user or visitor (hereinafter the "user") of this website should inform themselves about the Terms and Conditions detailed below.

Likewise, every "user" of this website must inform themselves and accept the Privacy Policy.

In case you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Policy, we suggest that you do not access this web site, or any page of it.

Every "user," by the sole fact of entering or making use of this website, accepts and adheres immediately and to all effects to each and every one of the following Terms and Conditions, which are unappealable:

Terms and Conditions

  1. Every "user", in order to enter or access the Website or any of its pages, must have reached the legal age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages according to the legislation in force in their country (in Argentina, 18 years, according to Section 25 of the Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina). That is why, when accessing the site, you will be asked if you comply with the legal age of the country from where you visit the Website. If you do not have the required legal age you should not enter or use this website.
  2. User Responsibility: Every "user" is responsible for the use they make of the Website, as well as for any content they upload, send, or publish on the Website, assuming any consequences arising therefrom, and guaranteeing that such content is their property or that they otherwise legally have the rights to use it.
  3. Prohibitions:

3.1. It is prohibited to upload, send or publish on this website:

- Photos, images, videos and/or audios involving minors or persons of legal age who have not given their express consent for the capture or reproduction of their image or voice.

- Violent, pornographic, discriminatory, or illegal material or content.

- Material or content that constitutes or encourages criminal or illegal conduct.

- Material or content that in any way injures or infringes the rights of third parties.

- Material or content that in any way encourages or promotes the consumption of alcoholic beverages (i) by minors, pregnant women, or persons suffering from any disease (ii) prior to or concomitant with the driving of vehicles of any kind, or the performance of risky activities, or the practice of sports.

- Material or content that includes political, partisan or non-partisan, or religious references.

- Material or content that includes references to weapons, drugs, narcotics, medical supplies or substances, poisons or any other type of dangerous substances or elements.

3.2. It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, upload, post or transmit the content of this website, in any place and in any form, as well as to copy and store any content of this website, even if it is for personal and non-commercial use or any other, without the prior written permission of Neubell S.A.

3.3. Since the trademarks, logotypes, designs, trade names of products, advertising phrases, commercial advertisements or notices, texts, and other content of the website are owned by Neubell S.A., or are used with the consent of their owners or whoever has rights over them, their use, exploitation, dissemination or reproduction, whatever the means or form used, is strictly prohibited. The violation of this prohibition will make the authors liable to the criminal sanctions provided for in Acts No. 11723 and 22362.

  1. Right to Monitor and Remove Content: Any "user" acknowledges and agrees that Neubell S.A. has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor any material or content submitted, uploaded, or posted by any "user" to the website. Further, any "user" acknowledges and agrees that Neubell S.A. has the right, at any time and for any reason, and without prior notice or obligation to respond, to screen, edit, remove, block, delete or terminate, any material or content owned or uploaded by "users" that violates the Terms and Conditions governing this website.
  2. Responsibility: Any reference on the website to any service, product, link, hyperlink, or any other information related to a trademark, trade name, manufacturer's name, etc. owned by a third party shall not constitute or imply any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation on the part of Neubell S.A.

Any information not directly referenced or provided by Neubell S.A. shall be the responsibility of the companies providing or advertising such information.

If a "user" decides to access a website linked from our website, they assume all risks involved. Neubell S.A. is completely unaware of, and assumes no responsibility for, any interactions or transactions that the "user" may have with such website.

Neubell S.A. does not assume any liability arising from any loss, damage or harm, direct or indirect, generated or in any way related to the access or use of this website, including liability related to damage caused to the computer systems of the "users" or by viruses that infect their system(s), nor does it guarantee the operability of the website, which may suffer interruptions, delays, failures and/or errors.

  1. Modifications: Neubell S.A. may, at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice or communication, modify the content and scope of these Terms and Conditions. The modifications will be effective as of their publication on the website.
  2. Suggestions - Complaints - Contact Channel: Any "user" who considers it pertinent to make any suggestion regarding the website or with respect to these Terms and Conditions, or who believes that the material or content of this site violates these Terms and Conditions, or infringes their own or third parties' rights or breaches any applicable regulations in force, may notify Neubell S.A., and we encourage them do so, by sending us an email to info@magiadeuco.com, including their full name, address, contact telephone and e-mail address, a detailed description of the suggestion or complaint and any other information considered necessary, pertinent and relevant. Neubell S.A. is under no obligation to accept suggestions made or to investigate all notices of alleged infringement or to take any action in any respect, but assumes responsibility to use reasonable efforts to remove or disable access to its website for any material or content whose rights have been infringed or that have been the subject to infringing activities or violates these terms and conditions.
  3. Personal Data and Information: Neubell S.A. complies with the provisions of Act No. 25326 on Personal Data Protection and has defined its Privacy Policies in terms of the collection, processing, and security of your personal data, as well as the rights to which you are entitled. We suggest you read it by accessing through the following link.
  4. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions and any other matter related to them shall be governed by the internal laws of the Argentine Republic. Any controversy or dispute that may arise in relation to the present shall be judged and decided by the ordinary Courts that are competent in relation to the subject matter, located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond.

These Privacy Policies were drafted on December 16, 2022.


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